Instant Anxiety Screening

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Not at allSeveral daysMore than half the daysNearly every day

    Total Score

    Understanding your Screening Score

    Match your score above to the levels below to determine your current level of Anxiety

    0-5 = your Anxiety is normal
    6-10 = your Anxiety is mild
    11-15 = your Anxiety is moderate
    15-21 = your Anxiety is severe

    Anxiety is a highly treatable disorder.

    If your score is 8 or above a psychiatric & medication evaluation is recommended and you should seek treatment.
    Use the options below to become a new Patient or to schedule a free telephone Anxiety consultation with a Spark Provider.

    We treat Patients throughout Arizona & Colorado via Televideo technology. Same & next day appts available.